370 S Caldwell St

by AHONU Aingeal Rose
370 S Caldwell St
AHONU Aingeal Rose
Painting - Spirit/psychic Art Pastel
You can have YOUR home done too! Here the Spirit of 370 Caldwell Sreet has been re-energised and is now blossoming! The stained glass effect brings a sense of grandeur to this property, while also returning to it the quality of being a holy place and a sacred space.
This image draws abundance to the location. The silver rays bless all who enter. The rainbow colors bring forth gaiety, youth and laughter - all this emanating from a white central heart (hearth!) of happiness.
The image is a vague resemblance of the floor plan, radiating colored light into each of the rooms. The grounds are also influenced by the radiating colors while the entire property is protected by a band of high-frequency silver.
October 15th, 2011
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