by AHONU Aingeal Rose
AHONU Aingeal Rose
Painting - Spirit/psychic Art Mixed Medium
The central star representing Alexander has burst onto the stage of life charged with mental power and capacity. The classic Native American turquoise color is his service to humanity and serves him with unconditional love. The yellow spades (the swords of the Tarot) further his strong mentality and support his sunny self confidence.
From 1 central star at the center of the turtleback, to 2 monkeys on each direction, the numbers grow outwards with 3 cats and 4 wolverine claws as protection. 6 cats plus 2 monkeys make 8, while 9 arrows and 9 spades point to completion, to attainment, and to major growth during his lifetime. However his challenge numbers 5 and 7 are missing, showing the necessity to leave the past behind and attain spiritual victory by using his powerful mind to focus on positive outcomes.
He is surrounded by felines that connect him to matriarchal goddess energy, supporting him for high achievement with a perfect balance of mind and heart.
March 18th, 2015
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