BOK-WAN Family Crest Metal Print

by AHONU Aingeal Rose

Product Details
BOK-WAN Family Crest metal print by AHONU Aingeal Rose. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of a metal print. Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 1/16" thick aluminum. The aluminum sheet is offset from the wall by a 3/4" thick wooden frame which is attached to the back. The high gloss of the aluminum sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results.
Design Details
The Bok-Wan Family Crest is a renewal of the vibrant energies that once distinguished both the paternal and maternal family lines. The colors of the... more
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Artist's Description
The Bok-Wan Family Crest is a renewal of the vibrant energies that once distinguished both the paternal and maternal family lines. The colors of the chakras ignited once the spirit of the family names were invoked. Radiating outwards from an oriental yellow origin, the Bok-Wan family emerge from all personal idealistic conflicts guided by a shining white four-pointed star.
This four-pointed star in the center of the Family Crest unites the past, present and future into a unified whole, bringing the four directions in to a cosmic center of perfection. This yellow center is what animates the family to co-create in a supportive and expansive outward flow of divine energy.
P.S. In an amazing co-incidence, a crop circle came down in the Czech Republic on the same day (28th June 2014) as this family crest was completed! It shows the same 4-pointed star in the center. You can view the crop circle here - http://ccdb.ws/20140628CZsb
About AHONU Aingeal Rose

Ahonu (Ireland) & his US born wife Aingeal Rose are authors of over 100 books. As authors, artists, speakers, publishers, ministers, radio hosts and spiritual teachers, they document and share their 60-year journey of consciousness to help people all over the world move from mediocre to miracle-mindedness. Visit them on https://aingealroseandahonu.com for guidance, readings, free downloads, profound statements from the Akashic Records, invincible clarity and more! Clients reported that Ahonu's gifts as a Spiritual Artist hugely improved their lives and his original Soul Portraits and Family Crests had an instant, positive effect on their immediate and extended family. His Family Crest's and Soul Portraits include a comprehensive and deep...
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