Claudia and John
by AHONU Aingeal Rose
Claudia and John
AHONU Aingeal Rose
Painting - Spirit/psychic Art Pastel
This picture contains tremendous amount of information for both of you. There are so many synchronicities going on here, so many subtleties of connections. The first thing is that I've rarely ever done combination pictures for two people at the same time because it�s not easy to merge two disparate energies. As you know I tried to do your pictures separately, but both of you merged into one - it was so easy.
Claudia is the core and John is on the outside like a sentinel. John is flowing outer, peripheral energies in to Claudia and Claudia is flowing central energies out to him. The green petal in the centre is re-attached to the core, which resolves all childhood issues - Claudia has reconnected John back to the centre and now it�s about blossoming together. Each one had to go off to do their own work, their own purification separately before coming together to do this work, to which they contribute equally.
Notice how the top left-hand ball connects with the bottom right ball, and like that, each ball connects with its opposite. When John�s up Claudia is down, and vice versa. So this picture brings balance into your lives, promoting healing, with the butterfly pattern suggesting spiritual transformation and the dolphin�s tail opening up its own symbolism.
The picture reminds me of different lifetimes you have spent together. Indeed, it is likely there is a twin flame relationship here because it shows some deep past-life continuity. The green petals form the bands of a wedding ring. On a 3-D level, it is the design for a beautiful wedding ring, a classic piece of jewellery that is designed personally for you! The other thing is you have all the colours of the chakras - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, with white in the centre. It is a reminder about bringing the attributes of each of those colours into balance with each other and living them fully in your lives.
Numbers abound in the picture. There are 6 balls on the each side, making 12 and there is a 13th one in the centre - it's like the 12 Apostles with Jesus which has enormous symbolism for you both! Furthermore, there are 6 on one side and 6 on the other. Then there are 5 dolphins on the next layer in. 4 on the next level formed by the green petals and so on. When you get to the blue, there are 3 pieces of blue. There are 2 indigo parts to the inner circle. And then you come into the one core which is white. It's about being able to see very clearly, about being able to see into all the dimensions.
The picture is also reminiscent of activating synapses, or neural receptors in the brain. These neural wires are all hooked into the same source. Another symbolism is that this picture will help you fire on all cylinders. It wants to activate something and looking at it will activate it.
Furthermore the balls represent 12 planets and the blue looks like the earth and the white looks like the core of the earth. Claudia and John have been working to purify the core of the earth while being in communication with all the planets in the solar system together.
We suggest you keep this picture with you where you can see it often because this is a reminder of something very profound, very much in motion, like it is taking everything from the past and bringing it into the present moment. It is full of abundance, of motion, it is very alive. You will see more in it as time goes on.
October 2nd, 2011
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