Herb Roach

by AHONU Aingeal Rose
Herb Roach
AHONU Aingeal Rose
Painting - Spirit/psychic Art Pastel
Two distinct "Horns of Plenty" are not at first evident (but soon reveal themselves) in Herb's Spirit of Love picture, one right and one left. It signifies his souls desire to manifest God's abundance in all his lives. It is a reminder that any activity he is now engaged in that takes from that purpose is counter-productive.
The silver is a high-frequency color emphasizing his spiritual capacity. It is like the moon, containing strong emotions that are now up for resolution.
The picture is also reminiscent of cell-division; Herb has DNA qualities that have been missing in the human condition for aeons.
Finally, Herb's picture has Celtic roots, reminding him to stay close to nature, be grounded, keep his wits about him and continually foster his connection to Spirit.
December 4th, 2011
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