Homer, NY
by AHONU Aingeal Rose
Homer, NY
AHONU Aingeal Rose
Digital Art - Spirit/psychic Art Mixed Medium
This image has its physical address embedded in the image. It also contains the colors of its aura and the proportions of its land registry divisions. This property, located on the North East corner of the junction of NY State Route 90 and Cosmos Hill Rd. in Homer, NY 13077, was completely forested in times past. It contained a native burial place which was represented by the oak leaf. There were battles fought and many died in the area, and the land has been trying to recover from it ever since. Strangely, it had a deep Confederate sentiment that was holding it in the grip of the past. For that reason, it had lain low, kept quiet and waited for nature and humanity to support its recovery. In recognizing and acknowledging it, that time is now.
The physical land division was measured into equal proportions by an aware one who had knowledge of sacred geometry and now the 12 acres is connected to the 12’s in Diana’s soul portrait. Now the land wants to play like a child. It yearns for innocence and freedom and this image facilitates that. It has green in its aura for growth and gold that signifies not its monetary value, but its willingness to profit all those who are associated with it by releasing them from the pain of their collective past. These dimensions shape up like an etheric target to focus their attention on the removal of dormancy and mediocrity that brings them continually back to center.
October 8th, 2017